ISSN : 2092-8475(Print)
ISSN : 2714-0148(Online)
Effects of Calf Massager on Muscle Tone and Stiffness of the Calf Region and the Ankle Range of Motion
Joongsan Wang, PT, Prof., PhD
Department of Physical Therapy, Howon University, Gunsan, Republic of Korea
Background: With the increasing demand for healthcare devices, the home healthcare market has been continuously expanding. Objectives: This study examined how a home calf massager affects muscle tone and stiffness in the calf region and the active range of motion (AROM) of the ankle in healthy adults to determine whether the massager is suitable for healthcare use in healthy individuals. Design: A quasi-experimental clinical trial. Methods: The study included 20 healthy men in their 20s, analyzing changes in muscle tone and stiffness in the calf region, AROM of the ankle joint, and differences between the two legs before and after applying the home calf massager. Results: After using the home calf massager, significant reductions in muscle tone and stiffness were observed in the lateral gastrocnemius muscles on both sides, as well as in the stiffness of the medial gastrocnemius muscles on both sides (P<.05). The AROM of the ankle joint significantly increased in all cases of dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, and eversion (P<.05). Conclusion: The use of a home calf massager in healthy adult males did not impose a physiological burden on muscle tone and stiffness in the calf region and was effective in immediately improving ankle joint mobility.