Instructions to Authors HOME To Authors Instructions to Authors
JIAPTR Template (down) Citation style
Enactment October 1, 2009
First revision March 1, 2010
Second revision March 6, 2013
Third revision July 1, 2016
Recently revised January 1, 2020
1 Manuscript Submission
1.1 Description
JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL THERAPY RESEARCH (JIAPTR) publishes original articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, and field reports describing scientific research in the fields of physical therapy. The journal also accepts letters to the editor, book reviews, research strategy reports, etc.
All manuscripts must be submitted directly at
1.2 General Requirements
All manuscripts must meet the following basic requirements to be eligible for review by JIAPTR: - Written in English.
- Saved as a MS Word document.
- Not previously published either in print or digitally, or widely disseminated in a form other than abstracts at scientific conferences and meetings.
- Institutional Review Board approval.
- Partially formatted according to AMA style guidelines (American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th Edition).
- References are listed numerically in the order they are entered in text.
2 Manuscript Preparation
2. 1 Article Category
2.1.1 Title
All manuscripts submitted to JIAPTR should:
- Be on letter-sized paper (21 by 29.7 cm) and have 2.54-cm (1-inch) margins on all sides of the page.
- Have consecutively numbered pages, starting with the title page.
- Be continuously line numbered, with line numbers starting at 1 on the abstract.
2.1.2 Information of Author
- List Names of each author with their highest academic credential (ie, Ph.D), or most relevant professional designation (eg, PT), or both (eg, PT, Ph.D) and etc.(eg, PT, Prof. Ph.D).
- Capitalize the first letter of the author's first/last name (eg, Gildong Hong).
- Institution, city, province/country for each author (eg, aDepartment of Physical Therapy, Daehan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea).
- Indicate all institutions with a lowercase superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate institution.
- Corresponding author’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
2.1.3 Abstract and Keywords
- Abstract should be subdivided into Background, Objective, Design, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
- For a maximum of 200 words.
- Abbreviations must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.
- Immediately after the abstract, provide 3 to 8 key words.
2.1.4 Text
- Registration number of Institutional Review Board must be included in the text.
- Randomized controlled trials should be presented according to the CONSORT guidelines (
- Abbreviations must be defined at their first mention in the text itself.
- p values should be lower case.
- All references in the References section must be cited in the text.
- References must be cited in the text by using the reference number in superscript at the end of the sentence or the referenced portion of the sentence (eg,1 or 2,3 or 3-5).
- The reference goes after the author’s name when the author’s name is listed (eg, Davies1). If there are only 2 authors in the reference, then the text should include both authors (eg, Davies and Ellenbecker1). If the reference has more than 2 authors, the text should include “et al” after the first author’s name (eg, Davies et al1).
- Listed below are examples of in text citations using the AMA citation style:
The house was reported to be built on solid ground,1 but some observers felt that the area was prone to landslips.1-3
The engineer insisted that the house was built on solid ground1,2; the observers were not so sure about that.1,3,5
- Include the sources of grant support in the text (if any).
2.1.5 References
- The referencing style used by the journal is the AMA style. AMA Citation Style Guide 10th Edition (
Citing References in Text
- All citations should be marked in consecutive numerical order by means of superscript Arabic numerals.
- Place the number directly after the fact, idea, or quotation that is being cited.
- Superscript reference numbers are placed after periods and commas and before colons and semicolons.
- Reference numbers should be in sequence.
- Use a hyphen to join the first and last numbers of a closed series.
- Use commas without spaces to separate other parts of a multiple citation.
General Rules
- List references numerically in the order by which they were cited in the text.
- Most research will require fewer than 30 references.
- Journal names should be abbreviated according to the National Library of Medicine in Index Medicus ( and Korea Citation Index (
- References must include only material that is retrievable through standard literature searches.
- References to papers accepted but not published or published ahead of print should be designated “in press” until an updated citation is available.
- Doctoral and master’s theses are considered published material.
- References should show names of six authors cited.
- In the References section, when a reference has 7 or more authors, list the first 3 authors, followed by “et al.”
- Journal name, Book title and thesis title should be italicized.
- When you identify a page number(s) in an entry in your list of references, be sure to insert the numbers in full (for example: use 111–112, not 111–2).
- References must be verified by the author(s) against the original documents.
2.1.6 Tables
- Table titles should list the table number (eg, Table 1. Title), followed by a period.
- Boldface without title.
- Tables should be numbered in the order they appear in the text using Arabic numerals (eg, Table 2. Title).
- A table title written in small letters except the first letter should be included above each table.
- Abbreviations used in each table must be spelled out below the table.
- Footnotes must be listed below the table, after the abbreviations, in order of occurrence in the table (left to right, row to row).
- Use AMA symbols (sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ¶, #, ||, **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ¶¶, ##).
- Avoid using vertical rules and shading in table cells.
- Capitalize the first letter in table cells.
- All tables must be referenced in the text.
For example:
Table 1 shows…
As shown in Tables 2 and 3…
…text (Table 1).
…text (Tables 1 and 2).
For more than two tables, use a hyphen (Tables 1-3).
Outside parentheses, use “to” instead of a hyphen (Tables 1 to 3).
Citations to tables and figures from other sources should be lowercase and contracted (eg, table 1, fig. 3).
2.1.7 Figures
- Figure captions should list the figure number, followed by a period, and continue with the text of the caption in sentence case (eg, Figure 1. Caption).
- Boldface without caption.
- Figures should be numbered in the order they appear in the text using Arabic numerals (eg, Figure 2. Caption).
- All abbreviations appearing in the figures should be defined in the caption for each respective figure, and abbreviations appearing only in the figure caption must be defined at first use.
- Each panel (eg, A, B, C) within the figure must be defined in the figure caption.
- Color figures can be printed at the authors’ expense.
- All figures must be referenced in the text.
For example:
Figure 1 shows…
As shown in Figures 2 and 3…
in the illustration (Figure 1).
…which are leiomyosarcomas (Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1A
Figure 1A-C
Figures 2B and 2D
Figure 1A,B
Figures 2D,S and 5D,E
Wrong: Figure 1(A); Fig. 1A; Figure 1A, B; Figure 2 A,B
3 Short Communications
are not to exceed four printed pages, including figures, tables and references. One printed page is approximately equivalent to three double-spaced typewritten pages. It is advised that the manuscript is presented in a continuous style without subdivision and with no more than 3 figures and/or tables and no more than 15 references. The abstract should comprise less than 150 words. For other arrangements, follow the instructions for a full text as exemplified above.
4 Studies in humans and animals
4.1 Human studies should conform with the Recommendations from the Declaration of Helsinki (1983). All manuscripts describing experiments on human subjects should include a statement that informed consent was obtained from each subject and the appropriately constituted ethics committees where the work was done, approved the experiments.
4.2 Animal studies should be conducted in accordance with the authors’ institutional guidelines. All manuscripts describing experiments on animals should include a statement that the institutional review board on animal research approved the experiments.
5 Submission
Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. Please save the manuscript file as a MS Word document before submission. Editable files (MS Word) are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent by e-mail.
6 After Acceptance
- One set of page proofs will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. To ensure a fast publication process of the article, we kindly ask authors to provide us with their proof corrections within two days.
- We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication: please check carefully before replying, as inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.
- Authors will receive proofs for correction once. Only minor alterations of the accepted manuscript will be allowed. Authors will receive PDF of their article.
- When a manuscript is accepted, authors are requested to submit the final version of the manuscript by e-mail to:
7 Submission process
The authors are recommended to list at least 3 appropriate reviewers, their affiliations and e-mail addresses. During the submission process, information on the authors’ ORCIDs and FundRef ID of the funding agency will be requested.
7.1 Article processing charge
Authors will be invoiced by the publisher at the rate per printed pages ($150/1-5 pages, $200/6-10 pages and $250/more than 11 pages) after publication. Invited review articles are exempt from page charges.
7.2 Peer review and publication process
• The review and publication processes that are not described below will be incorporated into the Editorial Policy Statements, approved by the Council of Science Editors Board of Directors available from.

8 Copyright
Copyright of all articles published in JIAPTR belongs to the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL THERAPY RESEARCH, Republic of Korea. This copyright covers stipulations in the Copyright Law of Korea.
9 Code of Ethics
We will consult the core practices and best practice guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and act accordingly.
Online Submission
subInternational Academy of
Physical Therapy Research -
Editorial Office
Contact Information- Tel: +82-31-8020-2770
- Fax: +82-31-8020-2600
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