Research Ethics Regulations HOME To Authors Research Ethics Regulations
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of the Regulations is to establish the Research Ethics and Integrity of the International Physical Therapy Research Society (hereinafter the Society) by setting various matters such as the criteria and disciplinary actions of research misconducts on papers submitted to be published in the Journal of the Society.
Article 2 (Research Ethics Committee)
1) When necessary, the Research Ethics Committee can form a Temporary Research Ethics Committee to deliberate and decide items set forth in the Regulations.
2) The Academic Affairs Director of the Society should act as the Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee and he convenes and presides over the Research Ethics Committee. However, when a Committee formed does not include the Academic Affairs Director, Chairman is elected from among the Committee members.
3) The Research Ethics Committee is made of nine, or less, members, including the Society Academic Affairs Director, the Editor-in-Chief, and specialists in related fields, appointed by the Chairman of the Society. However, the author or the person in charge of the research paper which is the subject of the deliberation topic cannot become a committee member.
4) The Research Ethics Committee can be formed and held whenever a deliberation topic is brought up.
Chapter 2. Research Misconduct
Article 3 (Forgery or Alteration)
Acts, intentionally expressing the materials used in or numerical results or photos of researches differently from the truth, outlined below are included in Forgery or Alteration.
A. Forgery refers to the act of falsely creating non-existent data or research results, etc.
B. Alteration refers to the act of distorting research contents or results by artificially fabricating research processes, etc. and randomly altering?deleting research data.
Article 4 (Plagiarism)
1) Plagiarism refers to the act of deliberately describing academic ideas, opinions, expressions, research results which have been already presented through all published media such as journals, conference proceedings papers, research reports, Master's?PhD dissertations, books, magazines, internet, etc. without mentioning the source.
2) Plagiarism also applied to the paper which has already been presented by the researcher and when the researcher is the same as the author of the research paper (Self-Plagiarism).
3) However, the act of describing, even without mentioning the source, academic knowledge or research results which are already generalized in the academia is not deemed as plagiarism.
Article 5 (Concurrent Paper Submission)
The paper submitted to the Journal of the Society cannot be, concurrently or subsequently, submitted to other academic journals.
Article 6 (Paper Overlapping Publication)
1) ① The paper published in other academic journals cannot be overlap published.
② The criteria used to determine whether or not there are differences with existing papers are as follows:
A. At least two items among the purpose, methods, scope, data, results, reasoning method, etc. of the study must be significantly differently from existing papers.
B. The difference in the language used is not recognized as a differentiation.
2) When submitting a paper partially quoting from or after modifying?supplementing a paper presented in an academic conference, it must be stated.
3) When submitting a paper partially quoting from or after modifying?supplementing a research report, it must be stated.
4) When submitting a paper partially quoting from or after modifying?supplementing a PhD or Master's dissertation, the author of the dissertation must be included in the list of authors.
Article 7 (Paper Resubmission)
The paper which has been determined as not publishable cannot be resubmitted.
Chapter 3. Deliberation and Decision-Making Procedures
Article 8 (Determination of Research Misconduct)
1) Once there is a tip-off of research misconduct from the inside?outside of the Society including the members of the Society, the Chairman of the Editorial Board shall gather all related information and verify the credibility of the tip-off.
2) Once after verifying the credibility of the tip-off, the Chairman of the Editorial Board shall put forward it as a business agenda to the Research Ethics Committee and submit the deliberation materials.
3) Prior to the deliberation, the Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee shall grant the concerned researcher an opportunity to defend himself in writing with respect to the business agenda that has been put forward.
4) The Research Ethics Committee shall determine whether there has been a research misconduct by voting, with more than 2/3 of members present and more than 2/3 agreement of the voting members, and deliberate and decide the paper-submission-ban period.
5) The Chairman of the Society shall notify the concerned researcher the particulars of the decision of the Research Ethics Committee and its reasoning.
Article 9 (Objection)
1) When the particulars of the decision of the Research Ethics Committee or its reasoning is deemed not acceptable, the researcher who has been charged with research misconduct can challenge once within one month from the notification date in writing.
2) The Research Ethics Committee can deliberate the validity of the challenge and reconfirm or modify the particulars of the decision.
3) The Chairman of the Society shall notify the concerned researcher the particulars of the decision of the Research Committee and its reasoning.
Article 10 (Confidentiality)
1) The identity of the person who provide the tip-off of research misconduct should not be disclosed externally.
2) Either before the final determination of research misconduct or when it is deemed as not research misconduct, the identity of the concerned researcher should not be disclosed externally.
Chapter 4. Penalties
1) After forgery, alteration, plagiarism, and overlapping publication decisions, the Research Ethics Committee shall take following actions.
A. In the case of a paper, the Editorial Board cancels the publication of the concerned paper and post it on the website of the Society.
B. In the case an overlapping publication of a paper, the concerned society is notified and the concerned author cannot submit papers for five years from the date of the final decision.
C. In the case of a research report, the Research Ethics Committee shall separately decide the penalty particulars depending on the severity of the case.
2) After concurrent paper submission and resubmission decisions, the Research Ethics Committee shall take following actions.
A. The Editorial Board shall suspend the examination of the paper.
B. In the case of concurrent paper submission, the concerned society is notified and the concerned author cannot submit papers for two years from the date of the decision.
Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Reorganization of the Regulations)
The Regulations can be reorganized by decisions of the board.
Article 2 (Effective Date)
The Regulations are effective from the date of enactment.
2010. 01. 20 Enacted
Online Submission
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